This process looks deceptively simple. But curving strips while trying to keep the space in between all even is not as simple as I thought. Look closely at the 3rd picture. If you start curving up, all the strips will be curving up. But I would like to start curving up and slowly move the curve down.
I came up with a solution by slightly tapering the strips and stretching the outer curves. It is kinda working....It's exciting, I so like to know if the end result will look anything like a valley!
I came up with a solution by slightly tapering the strips and stretching the outer curves. It is kinda working....It's exciting, I so like to know if the end result will look anything like a valley!
I like experimenting and in doing so you have to be prepared things are not going to work out.
I keep reminding myself :)
cutting strips of bias binding |
make them slightly tapered |
So far so good |
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