And her husband went with her along weeping behind her to Bahurim. Then said Abner unto him, Go, return. And he returned.
This is my interpretation. You see the crying man face on the left, and Michal returning to David. Symbolized by the golden city up the hills. On the foreground is Bahurim and you see some tear drops scattered over the piece.
The finished piece, I added the hills and the city of David and painted most of the tear drops blue. |
Detail of the multi dimensional layers. |
Another detail. I cut away some of the silk to reveal the face, tears and city structure. |
I am glad I have finished this piece, it was almost scary to work on it. Mostly because I never knew how it would turn out. I thought about it so much and now I see the outcome it makes me happy to know how it's so multi layered in different ways. Hope you enjoy it too!